Emotion Flashcards (Welsh)
Now available in Welsh these bright picture cards are a hugely helpful ‘way in’ to talking about our emotions. The pictures are clear, simple and not only capture children’s facial expressions but also the accompanying body language. Comes with a free ideas sheet including ideas such as using the cards to help children put their own feelings into words and in games for example sequencing and ‘what’s my card’.
“Do you know – I’ve even used these with parents to help them help their children.”
Format: Format: Set of 12 A4 cards of opposing emotions in Welsh language: Bored and motivated, excited and frightened, jealous and loving, confident and nervous, happy and sad, angry and calm + 1 x FREE ideas sheet and 1 x cover card.
For essential open training courses for positive behaviour, social skills, SEAL, emotional wellbeing, self-esteem CLICK HERE.
To book Jenny Mosley for your school or early years setting CLICK HERE.
For all training enquiries, phone 01225 767157 or email circletime@jennymosley.co.uk

Click here to visit www.circle-time.co.uk to book your training. Phone 01225 767157 or Email circletime@jennymosley.co.uk