The 5 Skills Flashcards
Designed by Jenny Mosley, with illustrations by Mark Cripps
These cards can really help embed the five skills in children’s daily communication and learning. They are durable, immediate, and accompanied by a double sided ideas sheet which explains how you can refer to these throughout the day to enhance any teaching concepts. Send any or your own ideas in and we will try to publish them on our next ideas sheet with your name clearly attached!
This resource accompanies Jenny Mosley’s Small Books of The 5 Skills. Each book contains superb games and activities to promote each of the five skills. Every single activity has a follow-up one (“… now try this”), which really embeds the skill they have just learnt. You can use these precious little handbooks throughout the day to keep children alert to the skills they need to practice. Buy our whole The 5 Skills range of resources to help children love the five skills. Stickers, stickers books, flashcards and posters all available.
Format: 5 X A4 flashcards, 1 x ideas sheet
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