To Support Jenny Mosley’s Golden Model

101 Games Multi-pack of 4


By Jenny Mosley and Helen Sonnet

Save £10 When you buy all four 101 books in this value pack!  Pack contains: 101 Activities To Help Children Get on Together; 101 Games for Better Behaviour; 101 Games for Social Skills; 101 Games for Self Esteem. This set is full of motivating and engaging activities and games that will teach children the essential skills of cooperation and help them to experience working positively with others. (See details of each book below)

101 Activities to Help Children Get On Together by Jenny Mosley and Helen Sonnet. This book is full of activities that will teach children the essential skills of cooperation and help them to experience working positively with others. ‘Just what we needed. We loved the other three but this one is very ‘hands on’ and encourages team work and children to work with others they wouldn’t usually choose to – but because they love the activities they just get on!’

101 Games for Better Behaviour by Jenny Mosley and Helen Sonnet. This practical book includes games that will help children to explore the five areas highlighted in the SEAL resources. Through these exciting games and activities, children will learn that an effective community is built on co-operation, tolerance and enjoyment. ‘Includes games exploring the 5 areas in the SEAL resource pack … an excellent resource – a must for KS1 and KS2 teachers’ – Special Children Magazine 

101 Games for Social Skills By Jenny Mosley and Helen Sonnet. Packed with creative and dynamic games that will help children develop positive relationships and learn the skills of healthy interactions. Some tried and tested and some brand new, but all enormous fun. Suitable for schools, youth clubs, young adults, young adults clubs, health departments and social services. This book will enable you to have a lasting positive influence on the social journeys of the children you meet.
‘All my children are much clearer now about which skill they are using and why.’
‘All the games are brilliantly grouped together under Jenny Mosley’s Five Skills; looking, listening, speaking, thinking and concentrating.’

101 Games for Self-esteem by Jenny Mosley and Helen Sonnet. Want more ‘zap’ in your lessons or ‘zing’ in your circle time? Then take a look at this clearly set out book of games which focus on self-affirmation, team building, art, music, drama, verbal and written themes, physical activity and relaxation. Creating a positive atmosphere, these enjoyable activities relate to the key skills and enable children to develop their self-confidence and a stronger sense of self – helping them cope with possible bullying situations. ‘An invaluable resource for all teachers and classroom assistants.’ – Special Children

SKU: W-101X4SET Category:

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