To Support Jenny Mosley’s Golden Model

Train The Trainers


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What is Train the Trainers?

Jenny Mosley’s Train the Trainers course is an intensive, in-depth training over several consecutive, or intermittent days, in Jenny Mosley’s Whole School Quality Circle Time model. A broad range of educational issues are addressed during a lively and interactive training course and delegates receive accreditation after the course. Jenny Mosley’s Train The Trainers courses have enabled hundreds of practitioners to create their own centres of excellence in nurseries, classrooms, staffrooms and wider organisations. Delegates become more confident and creative in their Circle Time approach and bring a new depth to the whole-school model in your school or L.A. Delegates may train others in the model.

The accreditation process starts with an intensive course lasting several days, which includes seminars, practical work and either Circle Time observations or working with pupils – all designed to raise energy and skill levels. Jenny’s own inimitable, warm style puts delegates at their ease.

“It was the best quality training I have been to – I learnt a great deal about myself as well as classroom and school approaches to getting the best from children and teachers. I came back to work full of positivity and enthusiasm”. Janette Bainbridge, Healthy Schools & Initiatives Manager, Middlesbrough.”

Read testimonials from delegates who have been on Jenny’s training courses.

This Accredited Training:

  • can transform your working life.
  • is for all educators wanting to train others in the key aspects of Quality Circle Time.
  • includes an introduction to the theory and practice of the model.
  • has unique, creative ideas for implementation.
  • covers Jenny Mosley’s Whole School Quality Circle Time Model in depth.
  • enables delegates, after attending the course, to train other trainers (restrictions apply, please enquire for further information).

Why Jenny Mosley’s Model For Train The Trainers?

The evidence emerging from national research and independent evaluations is that the implementation of Jenny Mosley’s whole school model can make a strong contribution to the personal, emotional, moral and social development of young people and help create a warm ethos.

“It is widely recognised that a child’s emotional health and wellbeing influences their cognitive development and learning as well as their physical and social health and their mental wellbeing in adulthood.” Promoting Children And Young People’s Emotional Health and Wellbeing.  Public Health England 2015

Jenny’s Train The Trainers course can be adapted to suit your school, situation or setting. However, usually Jenny would be able to cover positive behaviour, circle time, school moral values, incentives and sanctions, improving social and communication skills, working on emotional literacy, dining halls, lunchtimes and playtimes.

Who is This Train The Trainers Course For?

This course is for all educators including headteachers, deputy headteachers, educational psychologists, classroom assistants, health promotion agencies, behaviour support teams, learning mentors and Healthy Schools advisors.

Enquiring about a Train the Trainers Course

Train the Trainers courses can be run for Local Authorities for early years, primary or secondary education, or for individual schools in the UK or overseas, to help delegates share the power of this approach for improving behaviour, attendance, relationships, self-esteem and community ethos.

We are able to offer this course for you to host within your own organisation or authority. The benefits include: Jenny can train a high number of your own personnel at the same time, who can then take what they have learned to a larger number of pupils and staff.

For further information please contact us on 01225 767157 or email

Read More About Jenny’s Train The Trainers Courses

Jenny carried out a great Train The Trainers course in Turkey. Read about this Turkish Train The Trainers from Jenny’s blog post. Here is a snippet:

“Hi Everyone, before Christmas I returned to a beautiful little school – the British Embassy School, Ankara – where I went to set up a Train The Trainers course for a small group of enthusiastic staff.

Katie Vincent, the Deputy Head at the school, has always loved the Quality Circle Time Model, and how it can transform a school. She has kept it going, and for over a decade has bought in training and resources. She thankfully knows the importance of Plan, Do, Review so that all aspects of the model get shined up regularly. But it is hard always pushing something on your own so she and the Head Teacher, Ken Page, made a decision to budget for me to return to work in the school. However this time it was even more exciting. Ken, the Headteacher, gave his backing for me to come in for a full week to train 6 staff to become accredited Quality Circle Time Trainers, to work with all their children, to run workshops for the parents, staff meetings and to enthuse the mid-day supervisors around all the ideas that they can put in to the playground and the dining hall to make life happier and calmer for all the adults and children. Now their staff are trained trainers, the plan is for them to help Katie keep everything moving forward.

It was wonderful that, while I was in the school, it received its latest inspection report which highlighted that “the personal development of pupils is excellent”… as was “the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the pupils is also excellent… older pupils are taught to keep themselves safe… and to talk about their feelings in circle-time wellbeing sessions… warm relationships are evident between staff and pupils.”… “pupil’s enjoyment at playtime is enhanced by the presence of well-trained supervisors”.”  Read On.

Another Train The Trainers course to remember took place in Nelson, New Zealand. Here is a snippet:

“I also was invited by Beach with mountain the Nelson cluster an amazing team of 18 RTLBs headed up by their visionary, warm and very positive manager Lyn Evans.  Her genuine, enthusiastic nature appears to be shared by each one in her team.

Honestly, from the moment they wrote to our office my journey with them has been incredibly professional, willing and energetic.

It was a real pleasure to finally meet them all.  They created an inspirational programme which involved me working with many teachers… from those working in a small country school to those in a very large multicultural urban school to a middle school with year 8’s and 9’s.  By choosing 3 such disparate venues they were able to ensure that a large range of teachers and teacher aides were ‘pulled in’ to the vision of whole school circle-time.”  Read on…


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