To Support Jenny Mosley’s Golden Model

Better Behaviour for Learning


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Using the Quality Circle Time model to promote self-esteem, respect, positive behaviour and learning.

This course looks at how schools can shine up and re-energise their listening and positive behaviour systems and enable adults and children to work on their emotional and social intelligence. Jenny gives simple guidelines and ground rules to create listening classrooms. If appropriate, Jenny will demonstrate circle time with an uncoached class. All the ideas can immediately be taken back to use in your setting.

What past delegates say: “I’ve always wanted to attend a ‘Jenny Mosley’ day. Her reputation is amazing – and she didn’t let me down – I am re-enthused, re-motivated and can’t wait to get back to try out the ideas!” S. Davison, Class Teacher.

“I personally found Jenny’s enthusiasm, energy and passion in her work an inspiration…….” Sean Duggan, West Area Link Learning Mentor, West Leeds High School

This training day is for the whole school community – teachers, LSA’s, nursery nurses, lunchtime supervisors, ancillary staff, parent governors and others, to refresh and re-energise the school systems and work together consistently as part of a team that everyone respects and trusts.

It is specifically designed to help participants evaluate the effectiveness of their own policies in relation to a renewed commitment to enhancing self-esteem and self-discipline. It will also help staff develop ideas which help children ‘beyond’ the usual strategies. A key aspect of working effectively within schools is for staff to keep their own energy and self-esteem levels high and this course covers this important area.

Expected Learning Outcomes And Benefits:

  • To help everyone consider and assess the wide range of issues involved in promoting a whole school policy on self-esteem and positive behaviour.
  • To help delegates understand how to create an ethos where the personal, social and emotional development for all adults and children can grow and develop.
  • How pace and positivity through zingy, vibrant circle times can enhance the self-esteem and social skills of children and young people.
  • Delegates will learn how to check their own energy levels and to see if they have strong enough personal care plans in place.

See our full list of Open Courses HERE.

To see all of our training options click HERE.

Phone 01225 767157 or email to find out more.

