To Support Jenny Mosley’s Golden Model


Jenny’s High Five – 5 Top Tips for the Golden Rules

The Golden Rules are there to help your school’s moral values extend into every area of school life. They are a way of bringing concepts of morality and responsibility into the forefront of children’s minds, enabling them to become more aware of their choices. In our experience children’s ideas always fall into six areas of concern: to look after people physically, to care for people’s.. Read more

Early Years Golden Rules Box Set – free Parent and Practitioner factsheets to accompany these resources

We were very excited when we launched our amazing boxed set of Golden Rules board books for very young children. If we could teach babies and toddlers to love the values of gentleness, kindness, honesty, listening, trying hard and looking after things what a wonderful introduction to helping their emotional and social development… Read more

Jenny Mosley’s High Five – Top Tips for making the most of classroom puppets

Our amazing range of puppets have inspired these tips! Tip 1 Choose and introduce your puppet(s) and  think what would motivate children most – an animal puppet or a person puppet? Some teachers develop a puppet gang. Young children really empathise well with cute animal puppets and will quickly want the chance to pet them. But be sure that the puppet follows all the classroom and

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Jenny’s High Five – 5 Top Tips for Zoning and Making the Most of your Playground

(Since this article was written, we have been asked for many more different zone signs! Please Click Here to see our full range!)   Many playground issues – such as fighting, bullying or loneliness – stem from children being bored and lacking the skills they need to make friends, cooperate, take turns and interact with each other. Zoning is simply a way of dividing some of your play

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Jenny’s High Five – Top Tips for Wet Playtimes

Wet playtimes can be very gloomy, and cooped-up children can be so restless in class. Wet playtimes can be well planned, positive and fun. For this you need a set of resources to draw upon, a selection of games and activities to keep children happily occupied and some forward-planning with the midday supervisors. Read more