To Support Jenny Mosley’s Golden Model

The basics of Circle Time

Quality Circle Time (QCT) is a democratic and creative approach used to support teachers and other professionals in managing a range of issues that affect the whole learning community. Teaching staff, children, support staff, parents and governors can be actively involved.

QCT has proved successful in promoting better relationships and positive behaviour, two of the most effective improvements to both learning and the smooth and harmonious running of a school.

The QCT model involves a commitment from schools to set up an ongoing process of Circle Meetings for adults and children, at which the key interpersonal and organisational issues that affect school development can be addressed. The sessions for children may be linked to the PSHE curriculum, and often consist of weekly meetings lasting half an hour where children sit in a circle.

QCT meetings for children involve carrying out activities, games and the practice of speaking and listening skills, often in a round.

There are several key elements in the model, namely:

  • Improving the morale and self-esteem of staff
  • Listening systems for children and adults
  • The Golden Rules: a system of behavioural rules for children
  • Incentives: a weekly celebration to congratulate the children for keeping the Golden Rules
  • Sanctions: the partial withdrawal of the Golden Time incentive
  • Lunchtime Policy

For sample resources, please see our “Freebies” section. For products to purchase, please see our on-line Circle Time shop. For further information on training, see “Things We Do“.

For all other enquiries, please telephone us on 01225 767157 or email: