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Golden Rules From Jenny Mosley
Jenny Mosley’s Golden Rules are based on sound moral values. Best of all, they permeate every aspect of school life, providing safe guidelines for everyone to follow.
Every educational community needs rules or school values to live by. Therefore these Rules are specially developed for children as they encompass the key broad moral values. Additionally, they differ from classroom routines which help organise the classroom, like putting away the scissors. So, the moral values fall within categories of being kind, honest, gentle, listen well, working hard, looking after property. Due to this, it is a great idea to clearly depict, discuss and embed these rules with children. This helps children have a clear picture of what good, respectful behaviour looks like.
The Golden Rules
Jenny’s positive behaviour training introduces the idea of having a set of boundaries, and of reinforcing and embedding these boundaries into everyday school life. It is best to display the rules in each classroom and in several places around the school. The displays work best if the rules have photographs around them of happy children keeping the rules while doing different activities. This is because not all children access the rules well via the written or spoken word. Jenny’s posters have images on of children following the rules too, to reinforce the message for these children.
Jenny says it is a fascinating exercise to sit with children at all key stages in Circle Time and to ask them what photographs they would use to show children keeping the Golden Rules. For example, for the rule about being gentle, Early Years children might choose a picture of a child playing calmly. Whereas in Year 6 they might choose a picture of an older child looking after a younger child. Once you have established the rules or moral values, children can work with them – with discussions, role play and drama. Assemblies are great for celebrating the rules too, especially after a holiday. Classes can also practice and reinforce the rules through Circle Time games and activities and using stories and poems.
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Phone to find out how we can help you 01225 767157 or email circletime@jennymosley.co.uk
Golden Rules Resources
All children, in particular those whose minds are hot with chaos, need key messages to be reinforced. For some, this can be best done with the spoken word. Others would rather kinaesthetic activities, or pictorially with pictures, posters, stickers and animated stories. Most noteworthy is Jenny Mosley’s Golden Rules range does all of this! Firstly, there are Golden Rules animated stories to embed the rules through captivating tales. Next are the essential ‘Golden Rules in Action’ books, providing engaging, enjoyable activities to reinforce the rules. There are also stickers and posters to celebrate keeping the rules to reinforce the messages through your classroom and school. Our Golden Rules box set for young children helps to reinforce the Golden Rules for pre-schools and nurseries. Don’t leave your classroom rules to chance! Teachers who use these resources give us excellent feedback. They work well in classrooms, dining halls and playgrounds.
Training and Resources for Golden Rules And More
OPEN CONFERENCES: Jenny holds very affordable, 1 and 2 day conferences around the country for Quality Circle Time and Better Behaviour for Learning, as well as Powerfully Positive Dining Halls and Playgrounds and Vibrant Circle Times for Early Years. See our Open Conferences.
All of our resources compliment our unique and tailor-made training courses. For all training enquiries please phone 01225 767157 or email circletime@jennymosley.co.uk.