Jenny Mosley’s Calmer Dining Halls and Happier Playgrounds and Playtimes
Jenny Mosley’s
Calmer Dining Halls and Happier Playgrounds and Playtimes
A big welcome to this online training course. Firstly, a warm ‘Hello’ from Jenny.
Session 1 Dining Hall Values and Rules
Session 2 How to Promote the Dining Hall Rules
Session 3 How Can We Help Children Behave Well?
Session 4 Dining Hall Helpers
Session 5 Are Your Systems Working Well? Let’s look at how the ‘Flow’ of children through the dining hall is working
Session 6 Managing Dining Hall Noise
Session 7 Organising the Dining Hall
Session 8 Encouraging Healthy Eating and Drinking Enough Water
Final Dining Hall Questionnaire
– to print off, complete and take to a Senior Manager