Positive Press is a vigorous publishing company, founded by Jenny Mosley to create a range of exciting products to promote her Quality Circle Time model – a whole-school approach to enhancing social and emotional aspects of learning. Positive Press designs, publishes and distributes an ever-increasing range of books, posters, puppets and other resources for schools wishing to build a strong, positive, successful community. We also source and develop products that encourage creativity and the arts, music, drama, research and produce books and resources that help leaders to promote excellence, order, calmness and vitality in their various settings.
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We specialise in:
- Books for Better Behaviour
- Books for Calm Dining Halls
- Books for Midday Supervisors and Lunchtime Supervisors
- Books and posters for Early Years
- Golden Rules resources for better behaviour
- Golden Time resources for an incentives system
- Classroom animal and person Puppets for practicing social skills
- Circle Time resources for communication skills, behaviour and mental health
- Resources for emotional wellbeing
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